PHS Day 2024 was a massive success! Thank you to all who supported us and to all who attended.
Stay tuned for information on PHS Day 2025!

350,000 people suffer from Sudden Cardiac Arrest every year in the US, and only 10% survive. 8,000 of the 350,000 are under the age of 21. For 80% of these victims, it happened at home, where family members and friends were called to help and didn’t know how.
We will teach all capable individuals in New Mexico Hands-only CPR, how to use an AED, how to recognize the signs of a heart attack, and how to save a choking victim to help save the lives of Sudden Cardiac Arrest victims. Join us for Project Heart Start Day, so you are confident in your ability to help.
Volunteer opportunities include:
-Set up/Tear down of equipment and supplies before and after the event
-Picking up and delivering various items
-Helping direct attendees of event
-Instructing attendees on proper life-saving techniques in cooperation with a class leader at the event.